Cross Docking

Consolidation, cutting-costs, and commitment are the three cornerstones of cross-docking. A just-in-time delivery method, we reduce inventory utilization and cater to time-sensitive deliveries. A cost-effective approach to delivering shipments without taking up space in your warehouse or DCs while satisfying your customers. We find ways to get your products to shelves in the fastest and most cost-efficient manner possible.

Cross Docking Form

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How it works

Without Cross Docking


With Cross Docking

With Cross Docking Service D&V Southern Logistics

Features & Benefits

No Warehouse

Storage space occupancy savings: although an area must be reserved in the warehouse allocated to controlling and conditioning incoming goods, cross-docking frees up core storage space. Inventory cost savings is a benefit linked to this point.

Minimal Handling Equals Less Damage

Using a cross-docking operation allows your product to go through a minimal number of locations before arriving at the final destination. This equates to a smaller likelihood that any damage will occur.

Just In Time

It shortens delivery times and makes the supply chain more agile: cross-docking saves time when dispatching goods, as it simplifies the traditional process. This translates into improved customer service.

Reduces a supply chain’s carbon footprint

The impact of cross-docking leads to power savings in terms of goods transport both inside and outside the warehouse and this allows a more eco-friendly supply chain to run.

Our Partners

Cross Docking

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